Population Decline and Its Effects in Europe
Publicerad | Uppdaterad | i Publications“At current fertility rates, we Europeans are basically breeding ourselves out of existence.” This was one of the comments made by Dr Nils Erik Forsgård, Director of Magma, during his opening remarks at the Ralf Dahrendorf Roundtable on Population Decline and Its Effects in Europe, organised in Helsinki on 19 November 2019. Europe as a whole is facing a severe demographic challenge.
Läs meraMinority Policies in Europe 1990–2018
Publicerad | Uppdaterad | i PublicationsThe 1990s are generally perceived as the Golden Years of minority rights. However, developments have since taken a different turn. What made the 1990s so successful, and what has since changed? These are some of the main questions raised in this pamphlet.
Läs meraMitä tapahtuu Euroopan vähemmistöpolitiikassa?
Publicerad | Uppdaterad | i JulkaisutEuroopan vähemmistöpolitiikka on otanut takapakkia, toteaa Astrid Thors Magmalle kirjoittamassan pamfletissa Minority Policies in Europe. Reflections on developments between 1990 and 2018.
Läs meraVad händer med minoritetspolitiken i Europa?
Publicerad | Uppdaterad | i PublikationerMinoritetspolitikens utveckling står i fokus i Magmas nya pamflett Minority Policies in Europe. Reflections on developments between 1990 and 2018, skriven av Astrid Thors.
Läs meraPerspectives on Minorities in the Baltic Sea Area
Publicerad | Uppdaterad | i PublicationsAll countries around the Baltic Sea are home to a number of linguistic and ethnic minorities. This collection of articles provides essential knowledge of some of the largest minorities in the area and of the particular challenges facing them in the 21st century.
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