Magma Academy 2
Publicerad | Uppdaterad | i PublicationsMagma Academy is an Academy for people aged 20-39 who are interested in learning more about Finnish society. We offer high quality speakers who give insights into Finnish society, history and politics, with a certain focus on Finland as
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Magma Academy
Publicerad | Uppdaterad | i PublicationsAre you interested in matters concerning Finnish society and eager to expand your network amongst the Swedish and Finnish speaking population? Then look no further than Magma Academy! What is Magma Academy? Since 2014, Magma has offered a bilingual
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Nordic Market Scenarios
Publicerad | Uppdaterad | i PublicationsThe Nordic Scenarios 2030 consists of the anthology 30 röster om Norden (in Swedish, eng. 30 voices about the Nordics) and the Nordic Market Scenarios. The scenario work was written in English by
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Majority of Foreign Language Speakers in Finland find Swedish language “essential” part of the country
Publicerad | i PublicationsAccording to a recent survey carried out by Helsinki Times and Think Tank Magma, foreign-born residents in Finland have a strong level of awareness of the status of the Swedish language in Finland. Two thirds are able to correctly state the size of Finland’s Swedish-speaking population, and majority of the respondents agreed that Swedish language is an essential component of Finnish society.
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Population Decline and Its Effects in Europe
Publicerad | Uppdaterad | i Publications“At current fertility rates, we Europeans are basically breeding ourselves out of existence.” This was one of the comments made by Dr Nils Erik Forsgård, Director of Magma, during his opening remarks at the Ralf Dahrendorf Roundtable on Population Decline and Its Effects in Europe, organised in Helsinki on 19 November 2019. Europe as a whole is facing a severe demographic challenge.
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